 JP / EN

telenet Group’s Ideals

Consideration of Japan’s Strengths

Trading words between people.
Carrying out this act with “Omotenashi” in your heart enables more possiblities.
Polite, effective, and warm service that a computer could never hope to provide can only be attained through this.

We implement this “”Omotenashi”” as our weapon when aiming to forge strong bonds of trust, and will continue to tie our hearts with customers by implementing it in the future.

Our Value as a Service Company

Our ability to connect people and hearts as tele-net enables us to provide the service we do.
To constantly improve our performance as a company, we place “”Omotenashi”” as the core value in all our contact centers, and open our hearts to our customers.

We understand that as a contact center operator, we are our client’s point of contact with the end user.

By fully comprehending this role, and using our know-how as a service company, as well as our ability to connect hearts, we can provide excellent communication for our clients, and help increase their profitability.

Customer Viewpoints

Our service has two customers, both the clients that contract the service, and the end users who call us to place orders or recieve support with our client.

Implementing and executing the service in the manner requested by the client is naturally a high priority, and we additionally take steps to understand their priorities and how we can assist.

  • ・Do they desire to increase profits?
  • ・Is the primary goal to provide better customer support?
  • ・Are they trying to maximise cost performance?

What kind of support will increase the end users’ support of the client?
Such concerns are also taken into account and acted on to provide the highest quality service.
In this manner, we continuously consider both our clients and their customers’ viewpoints.